- School Information
- Student Information
- Student Health
- Staff Management
- Scheduling
- Attendance
- Grading
- General
- Admissions and Applicant Processing
- Billing and Fees
- Discipline Management
- Teacher Lesson Plan
- Multi Channel Communication
- LMS Integration
- Graduation Requirement and Progress/Degree Audit
- À la carte Addition
- District/Enterprise Features
School Information
- School dashboard displaying key information
- School data entry fields with unlimited custom fields
- WASH - water, sanitation and hygiene information
- School address entry with automatic Google maps integration
- Marking periods - full year, semester, quarter, trimester, custom date range
- Marking period grade posting begin and end dates to control teacher grading window
- Summer school set up outside regular academic school dates
- Calendar with events entry - unlimited calendars supported with superimposed view of all events from all calendars
- Calendar with bell schedule entry (e.g: A-day, B-day entries)
- Calendar views - month, week, day and event views
- Notice and announcement management with WYSIWYG editor
- Mental health information management with WYSIWYG editor
- Notices and mental health information display controlled by profile and date range
- Course manager - program, subject, course and course section management
- Course catalog - searchable and filtered by marking period, subject, course and grade level
- Pedagogical process management
- Learning outcome management
- Period setup with automatic full-day and half-day calculation
- Grade level setup with standardized grade level equivalency mapping and next grade level transition entry
- Sections for student cohort management
- Rooms - physical classroom details with capacity management
- Date format and timezone settings
- login failure allowance - before a user gets deactivated
- User inactivity days allowance - before a user gets deactivated
- List of values (LOV) management
- RBAC - role based access control, profile management with ability to create custom profiles
- User permissions management - menu and sub-menu level read-write control for every profile
- Copy school feature to use one school as a template to add multiple similar schools in the system
- End-of-the-year processing with system rollover and student progression
- System access log
- Various data export in Excel formats
- Various canned and custom school reports
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Student Information
- Student information management with rich data capture out of the box
- Unlimited student custom categories and fields entry
- Identification information with multiple student ID number capture
- Salutation/prefix and suffix information capture
- Student photo upload capability
- Photo ID card badge generation with bar and QR codes, printable on Avery card stock
- Social security number capture with data masking
- Demographic information capture with gender, race, ethnicity, DOB, marital status, nationality and languages
- Portal access with password settings by students
- Self-service password changing with password creation rule enforcement
- On-demand portal access disablement for a particular student
- Enrollment with rolling-retention option for yearly progression
- Cohort information capture
- Estimated graduation date capture
- Impairment identification - 504 eligibility indicator
- Economic disadvantage indicator
- Free lunch eligibility indicator
- Special Education (SpEd) enrollment indicator
- Limited English Proficiency (LEP) indicator
- Multiple school enrollment option
- Enrollment history with drop, add and transfer details
- School transfer with school lookup and student data transfer
- Home and mailing address capture with automatic Google maps integration
- Personal contact information capture with multiple emails, phones and social media handles
- Unlimited family member record entry
- Legal custody and/or custodial parent indicator
- Family member portal access control
- Sibling grouping for multiple students within same school district or management account
- Files and documents cabinet for each student
- Multi-user internal comments entry on students
- Mass update student information facility
- Student re-enrollment option for dropped and graduated students
- Bulk student data import from auto generated Excel template
- CRM like functionality with notes, phone calls and meeting activities capture
- Email, app and system based communication with staff
- Student search via free form search
- Advanced search on all system and custom fields
- Saving advanced search as filters with reloading capability
- Student information display in grid view with column on-off capability
- Student data edit history
- Student impersonation ability by administrators
- Various canned and custom student reports
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Student Heath
- Primary care physician's name
- Primary care physician's phone number
- Health insurance company's name
- Health insurance company's phone number
- Policy number
- Policy holder's name
- Preferred medical facility name
- Preferred medical facility's phone number
- Dentist's name
- Dentist's phone number
- Eye doctor's name
- Eye doctor's phone number
- Student critical health alert capture
- Student critical alert display on student profile
- Doctor's notes Immunization and physical record with date
- In-school infirmary visit incident with nurse's notes
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Staff Management
- Staff information management with rich data capture out of the box
- Unlimited staff custom categories and fields entry
- Identification information with multiple staff ID number capture
- Salutation/prefix and suffix information capture
- Staff photo upload capability
- Social security number capture with data masking
- Demographic information capture with gender, race, ethnicity, DOB, marital status, nationality and languages
- Portal access with password settings by staff
- Self-service password changing with password creation rule enforcement
- On-demand portal access disablement for a particular staff
- Multiple school employment option
- Employment history with start and end dates
- Grade levels taught indicator
- Subjects taught indicator
- Home and mailing address capture with automatic Google maps integration
- Personal contact information capture with multiple emails, phones and social media handles
- Emergency contact information
- Files and documents cabinet for each student
- Teacher certification information capture
- Certification expiry indicator
- Email, app and system based communication with students and other staff members
- Staff search via free form search
- Advanced search on all system and custom fields
- Saving advanced search as filters with reloading capability
- Staff information display in grid view with column on-off capability
- Staff data edit history
- Staff impersonation ability by administrators
- Staff data report
- Attendance marking on behalf of Teachers by Admin
- Grade book marking on behalf of Teachers by Admin
- Input final grades on behalf of Teachers by Admin
- Input Standards and Effort grades on behalf of Homeroom Teachers by Admin
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- Traditional fixed scheduling
- Variable day-period-time scheduling
- Calendar day based scheduling, e.g. special course that meets on random days based on demand and supply
- Custom date range scheduling - not following school marking period dates
- Year-round school schedules including Summer Term
- Block scheduling - 4x4, alternate day block, trimester, or three 12-week terms, and skinnies
- Up to a 20 day rotating schedule (student attends class once in a 20 school day time period)
- Mosaic scheduling - combination of traditional and block schedules but a variation of time/period lengths are assigned to each class over the days of the cycle
- Walk-in scheduling students into one or more course sections
- Group scheduling students into one or more course sections
- Group scheduling teachers into one or more course sections
- Group drop students from one or more course sections
- Deletion of schedule for one or more students from one or more course sections
- Teacher reassignment from one course section to another
- Student, parent course enrollment requests
- Course enrollment requests capture by staff on behalf of students
- Team teaching - two or more teachers of the same subject teach together
- Interdisciplinary team teaching: two or more teachers form a team and work together to coordinate teaching in three-to-five subjects
- Scheduling of part time staff and teaching staff that is shared with other schools Summer school scheduling without affecting scheduling for the regular school year
- Students that are classified as home-schooled students to take one or more courses in the school
- Home-schooled students scheduled into courses to show up in teacher's grade book and facilitate the taking of class attendance and record grades similarly to full time students
- Scheduling to before or after school programs that are not part of the normal school day to be scheduled to enable student class attendance to be taken and reported upon
- Allows scheduling a student into more than one course at the same time - ignoring conflicts
- Allows teachers to be assigned to multiple sections in the same period - ignoring conflicts
- Provides school-based staff the ability to easily identify open periods for students and staff for scheduling purposes
- Required and elective course distinctions
- Allows courses to be defined by track, for example Honors, AP, college
- Allows courses to have different start times and time duration for different days of the week or periods/sections
- Ability to create multi period course sections
- Various canned scheduling reports
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- Unlimited attendance code creations
- Default attendance code identification, e.g by default every student will be "Present" in class
- Unlimited attendance category creation and association with course sections
- Attendance entry restriction to office and staff based on specific attendance code
- Excused, unexcused and tardy attendance markings
- Attendance comments entry by teachers
- Ability to override teacher's attendance
- Attendance override comments entry by administrators
- Ability to take attendance in advance for the day, before teacher comes in
- Ability to mark absences, out of school excused absences in advance before teacher takes attendance
- Ability to view missing attendance of teachers and take attendance on behalf of teachers
- Ability to take attendance for every period in a day
- Ability to take attendance for home-room only and define full day minutes accordingly
- Ability to take attendance for a whole class in one click
- Automatic calculation of Day Absence based upon state and district rules that indicates that a student will be considered absent for the school day if absent for more than the required minutes
- Attendance recalculation based on full-day and half-day minutes adjustments
- Various canned attendance reports
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- Report card grade scale management with multiple grade scale entry
- Report card comments - canned comments and teacher comments entry
- Honor roll management based on grade scoring
- Standard based grading - US common core and school specific standards management
- Efforts and performance based grading
- Letter grading based on break-off score
- Percentage based grading
- Allowable anomalous grading
- Weighted grade scale based grade entry
- Teacher's own grade scale based grade entry
- Grades calculation based on grade book configuration at the course section level
- Grades calculation based on weightage
- Multi term grades calculation based on percentage allocation to each term in grade book configuration
- Exam grades marking and automatic calculation into report card final grades
- Progress reports showing raw score as well as weighted score at any any given time
- Assignment exemption for students
- Grades score rounding to up, down or none
- Unlimited assignment type creation and weighting to 100%
- Unlimited assignment creation
- One click report card and transcript generation from grade book grades
- Historical grades entry and GPA calculation
- Report Cards with GPA
- Transcripts
- Various canned grade reports
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- Custom school based subdomain
- User login with remember-me option
- Strong password creation rule enforcement
- Password retrieval and resetting option
- Multi lingual system in English, French and Spanish with any language pack availability on request
- Support portal access within system
- Support video access within system
- Support ticket access within system
- Multi-channel information and support services including phone, email, WhatsApp and social media channels
- Responsive design, usable with phones, tablets, laptops and desktops on any size
- Strong data privacy, FERPA and GDPR compliant
- Mobile app - Android and iOS for Students and Parents to view all academic records of a student
- Mobile app - Android and iOS for Teachers to take attendance and manage grade book and input final grades
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Admissions and Applicant Processing
- Dashboard - Displays the number of applications received.
- Dashboard - Shows the number of applications currently being processed.
- Dashboard - Indicates the number of applicants who have been enrolled.
- Dashboard - Lists the number of applications that have been rejected.
- Dashboard - A bar graph showing the number of applications received each month, categorized by gender (Female, Male, Non-binary, Other, Undetermined).
- Dashboard - Displays the number of applications by gender.
- Dashboard - A pie chart showing the distribution of applications by program.
- The dashboard is interactive, with clickable sections for "Application Received," "Processing," "Enrolled," and "Rejected," which filter the output accordingly.
- Application Forms - Lists all application forms created by the user.
- Application Forms - Displays the form name, last updated date, updated by, allow direct enrollment status, and current status.
- Application Forms - Actions available for each form: edit, delete, preview, copy, and more.
- Application Forms - Clicking "Add Application Form" directs the user to a section to create a new form according to their requirements.
- Application Forms - Customizable fields under "General Info" such as Name, Preferred/Common Name, Previous/Maiden Name, District ID, State ID, Admission Number, Roll Number, Social Security Number, Other Govt. Issued Number, DOB, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Marital Status, Country of Birth, Nationality, First Language, Second Language, and Third Language.
- Application Forms - Form titled "Identification Information" with fields for Name, including Salutation, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Suffix for the user to create their required fields.
- Application Forms - Option to enable CAPTCHA in the form, indicated by a toggle switch and a reCAPTCHA logo.
- Application Forms - Option to add a new page to the form.
- Filter applicants by marking period.
- Filter applicants by direct enrollment type (Yes or No).
- Filter applicants by status.
- Filter applicants by archived status.
- Filter applicants by tags.
- Filter applicants by the staff they are assigned to.
- Export the list of applicants.Displays details of each applicant, including application date, applicant's name, application ID, mobile phone, email address, tags, status, and a process button.
- Click on an applicant's name to access options to process the application, edit it, archive it, print it, assign it to staff, and add customizable tags.
- Process application options include setting the enrollment status and providing comments.
- Process Steps: Application is complete, Student meets academic requirements, Student meets financial requirements, Student was interviewed, Acceptance letter was sent to student, Student accepted, Student Rejection, Test Admission.
- Enrollment status can be set to "Applied" with an option to update.
- Set email templates based on specific events.
- Add dynamic fields to personalize the email content.
- Events include Applied, Directly Enrolled, Incomplete Application, Rejected, Provisionally Accepted, Accepted, Enrolled, and Wait-listed.
- Customize the email subject and body.
- Insert placeholders for dynamic fields such as applicant's first name, last name, school's name, and address.
- Preview the email template before saving.
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Billing and Fees
- Dashboard - Fee collections in the current school year
- Dashboard - Fees overdue from students in the current school year
- Dashboard - Fees due from students in the next 90 days
- Dashboard - Monthly Collection History and Projections through a Bar chart showing monthly collections, overdue amounts, and due amounts for each month throughout different school years.
- Dashboard - Total Collection by Fee Type through a pie chart showing the distribution of collections by fee type (set by the school itself)
- Dashboard - Overdue amounts through a bar chart showing overdue amounts categorized by days overdue (<30 Days, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90+ Days)
- Dashboard - Total collection by payment method through a Pie chart showing the distribution of collections by payment method (set by the school itself)
- Ability to assign fees to one or multiple students.
- Choose from predefined fee types or set up new ones.
- Set and manage due dates for assigned fees.
- Option to generate and send invoices when assigning fees.
- Add multiple fee types for the same student.
- Ability to add or remove students when assigning fees.
- Option to provide descriptions for fee types.
- Ability to record payments against assigned fees.
- Support for various payment types, such as cash, check, credit card, and electronic funds transfer (EFT).
- A detailed record of all transactions (payments, charges, etc.) for each student.
- Option to deposit funds (e.g., scholarships, grants) into student accounts.
- Manually register a payment made by a student.
- Use student deposits to adjust fee balances.
- Send payment links to students and parents via email for easy fee payments.
- Define and manage a custom chart of G/L accounts for accurate accounting.
- Create and manage fee types that align with the G/L accounts.
- Set up sub-accounts within G/L accounts to further categorize transactions.
- Create recurring subscription charges linked to G/L accounts.
- Choose the frequency of subscriptions (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).
- Students activate their subscriptions after entering payment details.
- Integration with Stripe for processing subscription payments.
- Assign subscriptions to students directly through the Billing and Fees section.
- Monitor the status of subscriptions (active/inactive) along with start and end dates.
- Generate and print student account statements.
- Filter transactions by date range or fee type for better tracking.
- Download transaction data to Excel for analysis or reporting.
- Ability to send reminders for overdue charges.
- Option to void or waive charges for students as needed.
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Discipline Management
- Student Behavior Records maintain detailed records of student behavior incidents.
- Categorize and define different types of behavioral incidents (e.g., tardiness, bullying, disruptive behavior).
- Incident recording - document specific details about each behavioral incident, including date, time, and location.
- Record details about the student(s) involved in the incident, including any witnesses or other affected parties.
- Develop and implement action plans for students involved in behavioral issues.
- Assign disciplinary actions such as detentions, suspensions, or other interventions based on the behavior recorded.
- Track progress in behavior improvement over time, with possible follow-ups.
- Generate notifications or reports to communicate with parents regarding their child’s behavior and any actions taken.
- Ability to define custom behavior categories based on school needs (e.g., positive behavior, violations, incidents).
- Generate behavior reports for individual students, classes, or groups to identify patterns or trends.
- Export behavior data for further analysis or reporting in different formats like Excel.
- Analyze behavioral trends across students, classrooms, or grades to identify common issues or improvements.
- Maintain a history of all recorded behavioral incidents for each student.
- Track disciplinary actions taken for each student over time, including the severity of actions.
- Automatically notify relevant parties (e.g., teachers, administrators, parents) when a behavioral incident occurs.
- Automatically notify relevant parties (e.g., teachers, administrators, parents) when a behavioral incident occurs.
- Customize forms used to report or track behavior incidents based on the needs of the institution.
- Set school-specific standards for what constitutes acceptable behavior and how various incidents should be handled.
- Ability to link behavior and discipline records to a student’s overall profile.
- Automatically link behavior incidents to attendance records or academic performance when needed (e.g., tardiness impacting attendance).
- Allow different staff members (e.g., teachers, counselors, administrators) to add, view, or edit behavior records based on their access levels.
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Teacher Lesson Plan
- Central repository for all lesson plans with grid view display.
- Option to download the lesson plan list in Excel format.
- Ability to select and print multiple lesson plans.
- Filter lesson plans by subject and course.
- Search lesson plans by text using a search bar.
- Toggle to view only the lesson plans owned by the logged-in teacher.
- Edit lesson plans owned by the teacher.
- Delete lesson plans owned by the teacher.
- Copy any lesson plan, regardless of ownership, for customization.
- Sample lesson plan provided as a guide for structured and effective planning.
- Form-based creation process requiring subject, course, and lesson identifier.
- Optional unit field for additional context in lesson plans.
- Mandatory instructional goal field to define the lesson's objective.
- WYSIWYG editor for rich text formatting and URL embedding.
- Ability to connect lesson plans with predefined learning standards.
- Integration with standards-based grading to align lesson plans with specific standards.
- Ability to associate one or more lesson plans with a school workday from the class calendar.
- Option to attach lesson plans specific to the current course or across all courses taught by the teacher.
- Students can view attached lesson plans through their portals.
- Parents can view attached lesson plans through their portals.
- Easy navigation to attach lesson plans from the Class Calendar tab of a selected course.
- Clear visual display of attached lesson plans on the class calendar.
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Multi Channel Communication
- Configure an email server for sending notifications and alerts.
- Option to set up the email server using SMTP relay.
- Configure SMTP settings such as IP address, port number, SMTP type (SSL/TLS), username, password, and sender email address.
- Option to set up the email server using an API.
- Configure API settings, including service provider selection, sender email address, API ID, and API key.
- Ability to save and finalize email server setup for seamless messaging.
- Create broadcast groups for mass communication.
- Assign unique names to broadcast groups.
- Add members to broadcast groups, including students, parents, and staff.
- Use filters to locate specific users when adding members to groups.
- Manage and view created groups in the Groups section.
- Compose messages directly within the system.
- Send messages to specific broadcast groups.
- Include a subject and body in the message composition.
- Attach relevant files to messages.
- Option to send messages as emails by toggling an email option.
- Deliver messages instantly to all group members.
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LMS Integration
- Synchronize student and staff records between openSIS and Moodle.
- Sync course and course sections from openSIS to Moodle.
- Synchronize assignments, lessons, and quizzes from Moodle to openSIS.
- Enable single sign-on for students, staff, and administrators to access Moodle directly from openSIS.
- Map static fields (e.g., First Name, Email) from Moodle to openSIS.
- Map custom fields created in Moodle with corresponding custom fields in openSIS.
- Map multiple custom fields dynamically with the option to add new mappings.
- Fetch grades from Moodle and merge them with openSIS grades for progress reports, report cards, and transcripts.
- Option to fetch unweighted grades from Moodle and weight them in openSIS.
- Option to fetch fully managed and weighted grades from Moodle into openSIS.
- Fetch course categories, sub-categories, and sections from Moodle and map them to openSIS.
- Sync teacher and student schedules between Moodle and openSIS.
- Fetch historical course and grade records from Moodle.
- Fetch assignments from Moodle and sync them to openSIS gradebook.
- Create assignments directly in openSIS and sync them to Moodle.
- Assign weights to fetched assignments in openSIS if not pre-weighted in Moodle.
- Fetch historical course data, including course full name as course name and course short name as course code.
- Retrieve grades (percentage and letter grades) for historical transcripts.
- Install necessary plugins for openSIS-Moodle integration, including user authentication and web services plugins.
- Configure Moodle for external services, user key authentication, and REST protocol.
- Add functions for Moodle APIs to manage users, courses, grades, and assignments.
- Generate and manage tokens for secure integration.
- Push new student and staff records from openSIS to Moodle.
- Fetch updated student and staff records from Moodle to openSIS.
- Fetch and update course details, assignments, and grades in both systems.
- Test connection between openSIS and Moodle via integration settings.
- View Moodle server details (build and version) from openSIS.
- Enable or disable synchronization easily from openSIS.
- Define roles during synchronization, such as teachers as Moodle Editing Teachers and students as Moodle Students.
- Manage grade categories and weight assignments in Moodle or openSIS.
- Resolve authentication errors for self-hosted Moodle instances with incorrect permissions.
- Resolve duplicate email errors during user synchronization.
- Provide visual indicators in openSIS showing sync status for students, staff, and courses.
- Allow manual initiation or update of synchronization.
- Fetch Moodle data dynamically into openSIS for scheduling, grade reports, and attendance.
- Generate Moodle login credentials directly from openSIS.
- Simplify configuration to handle large datasets effectively between the systems.
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Graduation Requirement and Progress/Degree Audit
- Ability to create multiple programs (e.g., BBA, MBA, BTech) using the Program setup menu.
- Associate students with specific programs through the Enrollment Info section.
- Define graduation requirements for each program under the Grades > Setup > Graduation Requirements section.
- Display all programs and their respective graduation credit hour requirements in the Graduation Requirements section.
- Create and manage multiple credit categories (e.g., Core, Major, Electives) within each degree program.
- Add courses to specific credit categories using the “Add Course” button.
- Ability to select multiple courses from different subjects to include in a credit category.
- Ensure each course is assigned to only one credit category per program.
- View available course periods for added courses through a detailed course list.
- Allow a single course to belong to multiple credit categories across different programs.
- Schedule students into course periods associated with their degree program and credit category.
- Provide students with a Graduation Progress view to track their completion of program requirements.
- Enable administrators to access and view the same Graduation Progress details as students.
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À la carte Addition
- LMS - Moodle integration
- SSO - Microsoft 365 integration
- QuickStart - guided on-boarding and training by a specialist
- SSO with Google, O365, OAuth
- CRM integration
- Built-in analytics
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District/Enterprise Features
- State reporting
- Advanced reporting with custom reports
- District dashboard
- Data warehouse and business intelligence
- Custom integrations
- Custom modules
- White label
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